Monday, June 23, 2008

OT or Muscle Shirt Seat Covers

A few weeks back I was at my daughters softball practice, and decided to make the best of it by teaching my son how to clean out the van. While sweeping out debris and windexing, a mom in the next van over says - "Steve?" I look over, and it's that old girlfriend, famed for the OT play... she was only in the picture briefly, but her memory lingers. Anyhow, we chat for a minute or playing softball, live around here, blah blah. I explain how I'm teaching the boy the fine art of keeping his vehicle clean ("It's a clean machine..."), and she asks if it has muscle shirt seat covers..... just like the wheels I romanced her in, all those years ago....

Anyhow, the answer is no, no need for the seat covers at this time.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I caved...or is it, cavied?

Kids were begging to get a pet, I thought I had a good out. "You can get a guinea pig if your grandmother lets you get a cage to keep down it with you at her shore house." She'd never go for it - house is too pristine.

I was wrong.

SpotWinkle, welcome to the family:

Mangled Cliches

I was going to call this post "Mixed Metaphors", but as the Rutgers guy pointed out "If there's no metaphor, there's no mixed metaphor."

Overheard at work .... "and again, I get the raw end of the stick..." .... hmmmmm. Reminds of the incompetent boss that warned her team not to get caught "running behind the eight ball..."