Friday, October 24, 2008

I remember this too well...

Eight years of unpopular, scandal ridden, Republican rule - a divisive war, a lousy economy, gas prices out of control . The Dems have a fresh faced outsider coming in, and we all know, finally change is in the's 1976 all over again, my faithful readers, time to invest in guns and ammo, because things are about to get way worse.

Unfortunately, there's no Gipper waiting in the wings....

I think we should go see a movie as a diversion.

Monday, October 06, 2008

I need a vacation

Ok, maybe not from the intermittent blogging, but I'm just feeling spent. And sore.

Wife and Daughter went camping with girl scouts Friday into Saturday, left me home with the boy. Friday night we watched Spider-Man, and on Saturday we played in the street - he was Spidey on his bike, I was Green Goblin, on the skateboard. You have to have seen the movie, the bad guy has some flying surfboard thing..... anyhow, after an hour or so of reckless fun I'm just standing on the board, enjoying the October weather, when in less the a second the board flies out from under me, I hit the pavement real hard, and I just lay there trying not to move, hoping nothing is broken. I manged to get up and limp in - minor hip bruise, elbow bruise, and pain from my neck down through my collarbone/shoulder/arm that is still ringing two days later. I'll get back on the skateboard, I think the deal was, as long as I was going up and down the street I was fine, but tryig to stand still, pointing ACROSS the street is a problem as the pavement is crowned - as I almost was, too.

Throughout the day, we shared our appreciation for October, even enjoying our new favorite Halloween tune. Yeah, that's the guy from the B-52s .... surprised I missed this the first time around.