Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thoughts from the road....

Those white dashed lines between the lanes on the Turnpike - who knew they were twice as long as the lane is wide? And those lanes - not wide enough to contain your errant driving after yelling "Those jerks!" when The Doors are on the radio, and laughing at your insanely quick ability to recall obscure funny moments from the eighties.
Bayway refinery looking awesome on the crystal clear nights driving home from Newark. It's lit up like Times Square, but instead of smelling like piss, it smells like...well, that Turnpike refinery smell.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What's new?

The big news is that I got lucky. No, not THAT way - but after 13 months, I was able to leave my gig at ...rhymes with "witty" group. The people that I would have missed got the boot about a week after I left, so there is not much that I miss. Food from street vendors tops the very short list.

New job is working for and with people that I like, and have known for a long time. Instead of just under 2 hours each way by train/car, I'm looking at about an hour's drive. The work is interesting, so far, and I'm getting about 26 miles to the gallon overall. Spring is slowly is good.

I'll get back to bitching about life soon, just wanting to enjoy this moment...