Sunday, November 25, 2007

Market Matters

These two guys do a nice job explaining the current state of the market....

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

So I need to be challenged?

Times are tough all over - the banks are getting their asses kicked over the poor handling of risky loans and what was a miserable place to work has become a miserable, penny-pinching, chamber of horrors. So, I went on a few interviews.

Took a day off, and some, to meet with 5 people at a big name pharma outfit, and thought we all got on just swell. A few days later, the recruiter called with the bad news - they thought I was great, but that I would not be "challenged" in the position.... "challenged"?.... this is about paying bills and not being in hell, not about making it to the pinnacle of Maslow's freakin' pyramid , dammitt.

Beside's that, more of the same - family stuff, 'Phins suck, ... at least I have old reliable ...