Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lotsa news....

Busy news month, don't you think? Rutgers women play some good hoops, get a big yawn, then Imus cracks unwise, and NOW they're heroic... Crazy guy in Virginia shoots up the campus, nothing funny there....torrential local rain...I'm especially riveted to the unfolding drama around the speeding, unbelted millionaire NJ Gov - reminds of the Kennedys, always bulletproof, till that pesky tree, storm, bullet, comes along.... Alec Baldwin chewing out his kid was a hoot - I wonder if he was "acting!"

This week, it's all about Sheryl Crow and her TP rationing. She now is backpedaling, claiming it was a joke, but why should we believe anything these clowns say - barking about global warming from their mansions and jets... I'd like to see her wipe with just one sheet...actually, yeah I would like to that, in slow motion, with zoom.