Saturday, August 25, 2007

"You guys can do this..."

Saw this on "American Digest" , and I got the shivers, as it reminded me of a similar beating that I got about 7 years back, when the wife decided it was time to move up - at least I got lucky and did not buy in at a peak, or spend more than I could afford.

For those buyers who borrowed heavily, recently, there is a good chance the property is worth less than the amount owed. This is not too unusual with a car, but 20 grand isnt the same as 300. The dominoes are just starting to fall. First the borrowers punking out, leading to foreclosures. The lienholders, often, but not always, banks, will take most of the hit on the difference between what they are owed and the property will fetch, in what are sure to become a saturated bunch of markets.

It has happened before, as recently as the late 80s/early 90s, and will happen again. I saw folks make good money picking up condos in the market trough of the early 90s, renting them out to cover expenses, plus, then selling them after a dozen years or so at 200% or better profit to cost. Watch for the opportunities that will surface in the next few years.

You have to hand it to the banks, this time around. They did a very clever job of repackaging most of the sub-prime mortgages and selling them to cash rich entities, often overseas, who thought they were buying high grade debt. Buyer beware.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Steve needed a second job

But did he REALLY need the extra dough?

Nice car, anyhow....

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Economics Fun with Ron and Ben

For most people, this converation will be pretty boring. Too bad, because I enjoy listening to two smart, influential policy makers, talking economics, and feel compelled to share. For the record, I think highly of both Ron and Ben.

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

By popular demand...

As far as I could tell, these computers were never going to catch on.

Shatner, on the other hand, was always a lock. And so cool.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

States full of smart people....

vote for losers? I'm not sure how else to interpret this. Maybe it has something to do with being "book smart", but having no common sense. W can act pretty darn dumb, but Kerry? Pointless, man, pointless and anti American.

By the way, anyone notice that pretty much all the front runners are lawyers? Super.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

The cool stays cool...

I promise not to post anymore of these 80s commercials, but Costanza selling burgers was one I forgot about, and worth a look.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Well turn it up, man!

Freedom Rock - album of the week. I wish I had bought this when it was available, but i just kept forgetting.