Monday, August 28, 2006

Mark the date

Some folks are predicting a devastating "nookyalar" war to commence on 9/12/06, as this video will attest. While there certainly is some stupidity involved with the subject matter, I'm not sure that the video itself is stupid. Heck, the music is quite good!

Assuming the war predictions are wrong, this party looks like the place to be. After we go cow tipping.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Camping eggs

I think I saw this on Food Network or maybe on a kid's show, but its simple, and my two kids love it - (so do I)

Start by getting your frying pan or griddle hot, as if you were going to make a grilled cheese - get your butter ready.

Take a standard slice of bread, white or wheat is fine, and carve a circle out of the middle with a knife. Decent size circle, you're gonna cook an egg in there. Save the circle that you cut out.

If the griddle is good and hot, slap some butter in there, again, as if you're making a grilled cheese, then drop in the bread, then, crack the egg, and pour into the circle. Take the extra piece of round bread and drop in the skillet alongside to toast it up. Wait a minute or so, use your judgement here, you're making an egg, not building the hubble telescope, then turn it over with your spatula. Cook for a bit longer, then serve with the little toasted circle for dipping - and preferably some of New Jersey's finest: pork roll!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

ManBearPig rides again!

The USA Today editorial / opinion pages rip into Al Gore, pointing out the hypocrisy of his pro-environmental persona verus his excessive personal consumption, personal holdings in oil stocks, and his profit from mining activities on his properties. He seemed like an OK VP for the Clinton White House, but now he just seems adrift, a sort of poor and fat man's Ralph Nader, in search of his Corvair.

Or ManBearPig.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hooray for Pallywood

Enjoy this 18 minute video - not a "stupid video" - which describes how the news we get out of the middle east might include footage which is crafted to suit particular points of view. Hollywood, watch out! I'll bet these guys work cheaper than the members of the Film Actors Guild.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Nasty Buggers

We're growing tomatoes in a pot on the back porch. The other day, the wife asks me to "take a look" at something, on the plant. There I saw three of the nastiest worms I've come across, each about the size of my ring finger, with little white critters massed on their backs, looking just like this picture:

After I terminated the worms and their little white friends, we looked them up. Tomato Hornworms - they do a fair amount of damage to the plants, eventually grow up to be moths. The white things? The cocoons of parasitic wasp larvae, which feed on the worms. Apparently, I should have let these worms and their passengers live, as the emerging wasps would endeavor to control the worm population going forward.

As disgusting as the worms were, I'm not ready to begin wasp farming just yet.