Monday, July 24, 2006

MF Interview

Entertaining interview with exemplary economist Milton Friedman and his wife, Rose, in this weekend's OpinionJournal. Married 68 years, and still arguing - gotta love that.

His points about the current administration, and the advantages of having a Democrat in the White House with a Republican Congress are especially worthy of note. Where is the next Friedman?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Durka, Durka, Durka - mohammed jihad!

I think I saw this bunch of silly dames at the mall - probably honor students. You know New Jersey is crawling with folks who think and behave this way.... very creepy.

Watching them carry on fills me with a need to watch Team America - World Police again....

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Corzine's first budget

The State of New Jersey had some difficulty enacting a budget this year, and as a result, the state constitution required a shut down of non-essential services. It looks like the crooks - er, legislators - have worked out a compromise as to how they will fund the state's lavish services, and the taxpayer is left holding the bag. The big disappointment here is that Corzine could have used his experience as a bottom-line driven business guy as a basis to contain spiraling spending. Instead, he seems to be pandering to the state's unionized workers. I guess the temptation to reach into the never ending pot of tax money was too much for him to resist.

I know I have at least one reader who is a state worker - and one who isn't - (two readers is pretty sad)- do either of you know if the missed work days will end up being paid for anyway? That is, if in a normal July sees a state worker in his office 20 days, and paid for a full month, will this year see a week or so less pay? That could be a good thing for the taxpayers, if it's the case. Then we could try the same thing every few months...