Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What a train wreck

Sorry for the big gap in posting - kids are out of school, work has been busy, I was sick, whatever.

Uneventful summer so far. One day we took the kids hiking and playing in the water at Hacklebarney, not quite an hour away. Simple, fun trip - you should try it.

I've noticed as the temps are rising, more crazy people talking to themselves in the city. Thank goodness for my shuffle, drowns 'em out - this week it's Kid Rock, Bob Seger, Metallica, Dean Martin, GNR, White Zombie, Gretchen Wilson, and Toby Keith, mostly.

Speaking of work, it still stinks - but now the firings and resignations are kicking in...but of course, no reductions in expected output. I think this is how the unions got started...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a brave man for admitting you listen to Gretchen Wilson. Seriously, you'd be cooler with Liberace's Gayla Jubilee.

7/16/2007 6:34 PM  
Blogger Al DePantsdowno said...

Gretchen Wilson? Wasn't she in Heart? Isn't there something better to comment about than listening to Bob Seger and how bad work sucks? What about Global Warming or the Iraqi War? What about how kids today just don't appreciate their parents and the value of their experience? I want more substance!!!

7/17/2007 8:27 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

Wrong Wilson; I think you're still thinking about your Wilson Phillips albums. And, no, not really, there is not much more than Seger and work sucking, at this point: I commute, I work, I do stuff with the family. Commute's a bitch, work does suck, family, not so much.

Global Warming? It has been hot as bitch lately, and most of the jerks on the PATH smell like nasty sweat bags, and like to stick their pits in your face - there's your global warming thouht of the day. Iraqi war? nothing much to say - seems to be a whole mess o dead Mesopotamians - I'm not sure if that was the objective or not. Kids...meh, another time for that....

7/17/2007 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You suggested a trip to Hacklebarney Park. Is that anywhere near Dingleberry Falls?

7/17/2007 12:36 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

heywood - all that education, and the end result is "dingleberry"? looks like at least one child was left behind....

7/17/2007 10:40 PM  

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