Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Boltin' Bolton

I'm very disappointed to see John Bolton out at the UN - his presence there was one of Bush's few decisions that I saw as unquestionably right. In the face of all the anti-american and criminal activity taking place there, it was good to see a straight shooting watchdog - which, I suppose, is why he's gone.

John Gibson's linked column from Fox News suggests that we'd be better off if the UN moved to Paris or Africa; and how that ain't gonna happen. I remember reading a suggestion that they move the UN to the top floors of whatever gets built at the World Trade Center site - always loved that idea!

Any thoughts on JB for President in 2008?


Blogger SNAKE HUNTERS said...

John Bolton!

What a great representative for the
Good Guys. Proof positive that the
Democratic Party shuns any Statesmanship at United Nations.

Paul Volker peeled back the rotten
layers of decayed onion, and Bolton
was just the man to expose the bribes and greedy paws to the world.

The Democrats cannot tolerate any
decision that makes Bush look good.
They may live to regret their hot-air campaign if they get their own
party into the Oval Office.

Where are their Statesmen hiding?

2/10/2007 2:14 AM  

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