Thursday, September 14, 2006

Weighty matters.

Childhood obesity is in the headlines quite a bit lately. Like global warming, terrorism, and attention deficit disorder, it's one of those issues that did not merit much attention, arguably did not exist, when I was a kid; now it must be dealt with. And, like all of those other seemingly unrelated issues, the government has a solution: public policy - excuse me while I grab my wallet.

These public administrators are priceless:
"The very health of the country hangs in the balance until we reverse the childhood obesity epidemic," Dr. Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, president of the Princeton, N.J.-based Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which funded the report, said at a press conference.

"Leaders in Washington, in our home states and towns need to accept this cold hard fact: That if we do not reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity, millions of kids and our society will be robbed of a healthy and hopeful future," Lavizzo-Mourey said.

Figures, the good doc is from NJ, home of so many historic central planning schemes. How generous, to offer that it is the responsibility of every level of government to solve this "problem". Overweight and unfit kids are not the parents fault, not the kids fault, but their Mayors, Senators, Governors, etc. Ummmm....ok.

Since I'm sure they will be getting right on this, I have a few suggestions. Start with gym class every day, with 20 minutes of vigorous calisthenics. If there is a need for a health/hygiene type course, that does not replace gym. Cut back on the bussing for kids under a mile to school - good for the environment, too! I'm sure I can come up with more, just give me a minute - oh, and the ADD kids? A slap upside the head will get their attention I bet...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so wrong. My current physical condition stems not from my years of swilling beer and donuts, but because I grew up in what I now label "The Cookie Culture." I'm hiring a laywer to sue my elementary school's Board of Ed. Or should I say Board of Fed!

9/14/2006 9:22 PM  

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