Saturday, January 07, 2006

Retirees and Illegal Immigration

Among the many looming challenges for the United States, the coming boom in retirees is one that I find especially threatening. What scares me? The prospect of a large and growing group of Americans who have plenty of time to vote, contribute little in tax revenue (protesting when they do), demand much in transfer payments and services, and as a result of medical advances, are likely to still be hanging around when I want to retire. I like the people, it's just the sheer mass of them bearing down on the infrastructure, with no real plan in place, that puts a knot in my belly.

At the same time, the country is wrestling with issues involving Mexico and immigration - complex stuff, to be sure, but to my eye, millions of people seeking to make their lives better by coming to the U.S., working, and getting educated, seems to be a potential resource, just looking to harnessed.

Consider the origin of these immigrants: Mexico is hot and dry, with plenty of inexpensive real estate, reasonable taxes..... heck, these folks are fleeing the exact environment that retirees are often looking for. Is there a way to cut a deal here? Our retirees for your workers?


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